Thursday, December 9, 2010

Food as i see here

Food as i see,in general Americans love Chinese food. Chinese and Italian food are probably the two most popular types of food in the US. However, most of the Chinese food you will find in US restaurants is "Americanized." You probably won't find things like stomach or intestines on the menu. Also, pork is not so popular in the US. Beef and chicken are much more popular in the US than pork. So don't be surprised if many Americans you meet don't like pork.

One food stereotype that I have encountered among Chinese (and everyone else outside the US) is that all Americans eat McDonald's. I don't have any friends who like McDonald's. I hate it. Everyone I know hates it. I think McDonald's is probably more popular in other countries than it is here in the US. Of course, it is popular to some degree; but it tends to be more popular among certain segments of society than others.

----By  YIHUA HU

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